Saturday, February 28, 2009

Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future

I'm glad this is not a Leap Year. I don't like Leap Years...that extra day doesn't seem fair. It's like the previous day called a "do-over".

I also do not care for daylight savings time. I don't mind the "fall back" part but the "spring ahead" sucks. I am not a farmer, I don't till the land, I don't get up to feed the cows. There is no reason that I need to lose that hour of sleep time.

Rob gets irritated with me because that night, and for about a week after, I will gripe about the "lost hour" of sleep...and I will continually update him on what the real time actually is. (Don't get him started on how I irritate him when we travel to South Bend, Indiana, which doesn't adjust their there is South Bend time, real time, home time etc., but that's a story for another post...)

Here's to March...Arriving on time this year...

Oh, and Jack Frost, if you're reading this, you can move on now...


Dani said...

hear hear I second the motion

Irishembi said...

As far as I'm concerned Jack Frost can póg mo thón!

There's an award waiting for you at my blog. :-)